Simply click on the Donate button below to give.
Grace & Mercy Ministries, PO Box 2334, Winchester, Virginia 22604. Please make checks payable to Grace & Mercy Ministries.
501(c) 3 Tax Exempt
Grace & Mercy Ministries, PO Box 2334, Winchester, Virginia 22604. Please make checks payable to Grace & Mercy Ministries.
501(c) 3 Tax Exempt
Online Giving - This safe and flexible option gives you an easy way to give! The PayPal Method allows you to easily manage your giving amount and specify where the funds should be applied. Click on the "Donate" button to learn more!

Worship Service - For your convenience, offering envelopes are available throughout the sanctuary. You can place your check or cash in one of the envelopes and put it in the offering basket during any service.
If you have any questions regarding any of our Giving Options, please contact us by email at [email protected]
One of the visions of Grace & Mercy Ministries is transitional housing. We came face to face with this issue when we started volunteering at Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center.
We realize that there is a need for a place to allow people to begin the process of reintegration with society, with providing, monitoring, and support; we believe this will reduce the recidivism and the relapse rate tremendously as compared to direct release from Jail into Society.
We believe in order to have a better community we all have to invest in something. If you would like to participate in building your community and ultimately building a better world please help us in any way possible.